Sunday, December 3, 2006

Islamic Teachings: Tawheed (Oneness of Allah)

The principle of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) is the fundamental principle of Islam on which all other principles, rules and pillars are based. The aspect of Tawheed emanates from the declaration of faith that "There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger". It is this declaration that forms the dividing line between Iman (belief) and Kufr (disbelief).

The linguistic definition of Tawheed

It means unification and is derived from the Arabic verb ‘Wahhada’ (which means to unite, join, combine or consolidate).

The Shari’ah definition of Tawheed

To submit or to confess the Lordship of Allah and to purify Allah’s names, attributes and any deed of creation and not to associate anything with Him.Tawheed is classified into three ways: Tawheed Al-Rububiyah, Al-Asma' wa Sifat, and Tawheed Al-Uluhiyah.

Tawheed al-Rububiyah (Oneness in Lordship)

This is the belief that Allah (swt) is One without partner in His dominion. He is Lord and Sustainer of the universe in all matters of creation, planning and controlling, i.e. the Creator. Tawheed al-Rububiyah is based on the fundamental concept that Allah (swt) alone caused all things to exist. Allah (swt) sustains and maintains the creation and He (swt) is independent from His creation. The evidence for this is in the Quran. Allah (swt) says:

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (Quran 1:2)

Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the agent on which all things depend. (Quran 39:62)

Allah created you and whatever you do. (Quran 37:96)

Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat (Names & Attributes)

This is the belief that Allah (swt) is without similtude in His names and attributes. Allah (swt) must be referred to in the manner He and His Messenger (saw) have described Him. Allah (swt)’s attributes and names must be taken in the absolute sense, free from human deficiencies of interpretation. Only Allah (swt) is Al-Hakim, Al-Rahman, Al-Malik, Al-Haq. There are certain names of Allah that must be known and understood by necessity. These are:

• Al-Khaliq- ‘the Creator’.

• Al-Raziq - ‘the Provider’.
• Al-Ahad- ‘the One’.

• Al-Muhyi wa al-Mumeet- ‘the Giver and Taker of life’.
• Al-Muqaddir- ‘the One who controls Fate and Decree’.
• Al-Amir- ‘the Commander’.

The evidence for this is in the Quran where Allah (swt) says:

The rule (Command) belongs to none but Allah (Quran 12:40)

Say He is Allâh, (the) One. Allâh-us-Samad (allah The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need). He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him. (112)

And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do. (7:180)

There is nothing like Him (42:11)

This movie highlights some of the Names of Allah (swt):

This Nasheed lists the 99 Names of Allah (swt):

For a list of the 99 names of Allah (swt) please visit this link:

Tawheed al-Uluhiyah (Oneness in Worship)

This is also known as worship (ibadah). This is the belief that Allah (SWT) is One without rival in His divinity and in worship, i.e. the Commander. Allah (SWT) is worthy of worship and all worship must be directed to Him. This necessitates the complete and absolute denial of all forms of intercession and association of partners with Allah (SWT). Worship encompasses much more than prayer, zakah, hajj, etc. It is the total obedience to Allah (SWT) as the Lawgiver, the Controller, the Commander and the Legislator.

Ayatul-Kursi is a good example of Tawheed al-Uluhiyah. This is because it states that nothing else has the right to be worshipped except Allah (swt). Listen and watch:

Also, Allah states that we should:

Follow whatever has been revealed from your Lord and do not follow anyone else. (Quran 7:3)

Implementation of man-made laws, institutions and secular legal systems that are not based on the Shari’ah (Divine Law ) are kufr (disbelief) actions. This constitutes a form of worship - before the advent of Islam although the existence of Allah (SWT) was not refuted, many idols were attributed to Him and His laws were forsaken and replaced by man-made laws. Allah (SWT) says regarding this:

Those who do not rule by what Allah has revealed, they are the disbelievers. (Quran 5:44)

Tawheed al-Uluhiyah requires the implementation of Islam in all Muslim lands. Those in a position to change the secular rule must do so and those unable to must speak out against it.


When the complete conviction of Tawheed (i.e. to submit, to worship, to obey, to follow sincerely for Allah (swt)) becomes a reality in each aspect of an individual’s life, man is released from all other bonds and attachments. Thus the only allegiance is to Allah (swt). This allegiance is to Allah, His religion, His books, His messengers and to the path of His good servants and purification from any Taghout. ‘Al-Taghout’ has been defined by Ibn Qayim (may Allah have mercy on him) as anything where the servant exceeds his limit of servitude. Each classification overlaps and is inseparable. Therefore to negate any aspect of Tawheed is to negate a fundamental principle of Tawheed.

Whoever rejects Taghout and believes in Allah will have grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. (Quran 2:256)

Further Reading

For further reading please read the book of Imam Abdul-Wahhab on Tawhid. It has been uploaded online to this website: